Dissemination and Communication
Work Package 10
Months 1-36:
March 2021 – February 2024
Work Package 10 comprises all dissemination and communication activities in the framework of the project, which implies:
- Designing innovative and diverse communication, dissemination and exploitation activities bearing in mind the key target groups of the project.
- Ensuring a meaningful outreach of all project’s results and outputs, making use of the available expertise and effective communication channels.
- Monitoring the dissemination efforts through Key Performance Indicators and reporting the final achievements to the European Commission.
- Engaging BRIDGES’ main target audiences in different communication activities throughout the project to stimulate the debate on the production and impact of migration narratives among them.
WP10 includes several dissemination outputs foreseen under different work packages, but also a series of communication and outreach activities that are common to the project as a whole, such as: the management of the BRIDGES’ website, newsletter and social media channels; the definition of its visual identity and institutional materials; the production of videos, podcasts and infographics related to different events and research outputs; and the overall outreach of the project in mass media and external public events. All of them implemented in line with a detailed Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Action Plan.
Led by: CIDOB (Cristina Sala i Soler).
In cooperation with: all project partners.