Migration regularly features front and centre in the British media, and the media landscape plays a critical role in framing discourse on immigration. This Working Paper analyses the emergence and dissemination of narratives on migration in the British media. It focuses on the coverage of three events: the Calais ‘migrant crisis’ in the summer of 2015; the ‘Windrush scandal’ in 2018; and the jihadist suicide bombing at Manchester Arena in 2017. Applying a mixed methods approach, this report examines narratives in the British press, on television and Twitter. This data is supplemented by interviews with journalists who reported on the events. The empirical analysis demonstrates the centrality of political actors and commentators in driving narratives on migration in the public domain via the media. It also suggests that dominant narratives corresponded with established public and political discourses on immigration in the United Kingdom.
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The news, social media and politics in the locked storytelling of migration in Italy
This Working Paper highlights some of the main features and key points of the narratives on migration conveyed by the media in Italy, based on three case studies designed to investigate narratives not only as stories, but also and above all as a process of elaboration and circulation of the stories themselves.
The impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level: the case of Germany
This Working Paper investigates the evolving landscape of migration narratives in Germany. It delves into whether and how media narratives are embraced, adapted, ignored or rejected in political debates and policymaking.
Migration narratives in media and social media: the case of Hungary
This Working Paper analyses the main narratives on migration developed in Hungarian media around two events: a camerawoman who tripped over refugees as they were running away from the police; and a national consultation on immigration and terrorism promoted by the government.
The impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level: the case of France
This Working Paper examines the way in which narratives on migration circulate in France across communicative and coordinative spheres. It explores whether narratives are embraced, adapted, ignored, or rejected between the media, Parliament, and administrations.