Narratives in public political debate and policymaking have different purposes and are governed by different logics. But how are migration narratives taken up or responded to in these different arenas? This infographic offers a visual synthesis of the relationship between media narratives and political debate (communicative sphere) and the relationship between those and policymaking (coordinative sphere), highlighting governments strategies for processing dominant narratives.
It further illustrates the narrative impact on communicative and coordinative spheres in the 2015 migration crisis and the Ukrainian crisis in 2022. This infographic offers a visual synthesis of the main conclusions of the BRIDGES Working Paper on migration narratives in political debate and policymaking, which analyses how different narratives on migration shape and are deployed in political debate and policymaking. This research is part of WP7, which analyses how different narratives shape, and are deployed in, the political debate and policymaking, focusing on the national level. The comparative analysis has been carried out by UEDIN, based on the national report by Sciences Po, CUAS Mainz, CSS, FIERI, CIDOB and UEDIN.