This Working Paper presents an analysis on the psychological impact of different narrative frames in testimonial narratives on individuals in Spain and Hungary, focusing on the domain of migration.
Report on the influence of narratives on attitudes towards immigrants
This Working Paper summarises the main findings of a unique experiment conducted in Spain and Hungary on the effects of testimonial stories of migration. It focuses on the effect of testimonial narratives and their impact on people’s attitudes and helping intentions towards migrants.
The impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level: the case of Hungary
This Working Paper analyses the main narratives of migration in Hungary and describes the structure into which the processes of producing and circulating them characterizes the contemporary Hungarian communicative and political segments.
A comparative analysis of migration narratives in traditional and social media
This Working Paper compares the production of narratives on migration in the media arena in six different European countries – France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the UK –, focusing on the ingredients, actors, circumstances, strategies, and infrastructure of narrative success.
Migration narratives in media and social media: the case of Hungary
This Working Paper analyses the main narratives on migration developed in Hungarian media around two events: a camerawoman who tripped over refugees as they were running away from the police; and a national consultation on immigration and terrorism promoted by the government.