Following up on the UK-France Channel Crossing Forum held on Nov. 7, this document compiles several comments in view of channelling scientific-informed conversations into policy guidance.
The impact of narratives on policymaking at the national level: the case of France
This Working Paper examines the way in which narratives on migration circulate in France across communicative and coordinative spheres. It explores whether narratives are embraced, adapted, ignored, or rejected between the media, Parliament, and administrations.
Migration narratives in media and social media: the case of France
This Working Paper analyses the main narratives on migration developed in traditional and social media around three different case studies in France: the terrorist attack on the Nice basilica in 2020; the irregular crossings from Calais to the UK through the Channel Tunnel in 2015; and the burkini controversy in 2016.
A comparative analysis of migration narratives in traditional and social media
This Working Paper compares the production of narratives on migration in the media arena in six different European countries – France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the UK –, focusing on the ingredients, actors, circumstances, strategies, and infrastructure of narrative success.
Historical analysis on the evolution of migration and integration narratives
This Working Paper identifies five prominent transnational narratives in France and the UK that aimed to justify restrictions towards immigrants from the Global South, from the 1960s to the mid-1980s, when both countries turned to restrictive policies structurally.